A Trip to Huntsville

This story evolved over the course of the class through several homework assignments. Here is the final story. It is close to true. After three days of being snowbound in the Waltham, Massachusetts Hilton, I was excited to finally be on my way to my next destination. The convergence of weather fronts that was about … Continue reading A Trip to Huntsville

A Second Scene from The Closer You Get

For another homework assignment, we were asked to write about two people meeting for a drink or a meal, and one person really wants something from the second person but doesn't come right out and ask for it. We had to build the tension. I used the characters I started working with in an earlier … Continue reading A Second Scene from The Closer You Get

The Scones

This is my first serious attempt at an actual poem. Not just something funny on Facebook. It was very hard to do, to get rhyme and the sylabal count. Answering the green siren's call,we stand side by side against the order counter.Our servers smile behind their screens,greeting us like it was a special encounter. She … Continue reading The Scones