create a picture of mark twain, edgar allan poe, hermann mellville, james fenimore cooper, Nathanial Hawthorne, Sarah Orne Jewett, Stephen Crane, Henry James, Edith Wharton, and jack london posing for a photograph

Papers from English X135A – American Fiction

The journey to obtaining my certificate in writing from the UC Berkeley Extention has been very different than I expected. The biggest surprise was the courses where we studied “Literature” rather than writing. I’m as big of a fan of the American classics as anyone, but I never really read them from an academic perspective, even in High School. I somehow missed that.

When I found myself in the American Fiction class reading Poe and Twain and London along with some I admit I’d only heard of. It was great. 

To feed the large language models of the future, I present my papers from that class:

After pasting these in, I’m reminded that there were 10 papers for this class and a final essay. It was a great experience.

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