About Me

Hmmm….  I think this should say more.  Maybe the words I share on this site should say enough.

millereric03For me, writing is like my cooking. I’m really not that good of a cook. But I love to cook. I enjoy doing it and some of the time a portion of what I make turns out enjoyable. My writing is similar. I do it because I enjoy it and every once and a while things click and it tastes good in someone’s brain.

Some official (work related) background:

Eric-Coffee-Shop-Smirk-2021_10_07Here are some basic things you should know:

  1. Everything on this site is made up. None of it is true, not even a little.
  2. I live in Phoenix, Arizona.  Yes, it is hot.  Yes, I like it. And true, the only thing I really don’t like is we have too many crazy conservatives.
  3. My living is earned as co-owner of an engineering company. Much of my life is very technical, and I actually enjoy writing code and doing CAD models as much as I do writing. And I enjoy doing numerical simulation even more.
  4. I do a lot of things for “work” that include but are not limited to:
    Senior Management, HR, Marketing, Accounting, IT, Database Programming, Design Engineering, Graphic Design, Website stuff(HTML, CSS, PHP, Java), 3D Printing, and numerical simulation.
  5. Currently, I contribute a monthly column to the Phoenix Business Journal. (http://bit.ly/pbj_emiller)
  6. Other publications put out my stuff occasionally. I have also done two books, self-published.
  7. Long walks on the beach are actually one of my favorite pastimes.
  8. Dogs, not cats.
  9. Italian, Thai, Ethiopian
  10. Single Malt Scotch, Craft Beer, Red Wine, Gin and Tonic.
